It's finally summertime, and despite the song, the living is not quite as easy as one might believe. At least, not yet. I still have some stuff to work out, like cleaning and packing my apartment, and moving into my new place of residence. I will be living with more people again, the most I've actually lived with since when I was still living at home. It should be interesting.
I'm going to continue working at Willie's Sports Bar in Atchison for the time being. I seem to have made it over the hump where the job sucks and you just want to quit. Things have gotten better for me, and I can actually say something now and have someone listen (I'll talk more about that kind of thing later). The work can be hard, but at the end of the day, I know I have some friends to share a drink with. Plus, it's a job, something I don't have if I go somewhere else right now.
I decided to go to the BC graduation, despite the fact that I wasn't walking. I know hindsight is 20/20, but I wish I had just done what was needed to walk. I think I'll look into whether or not there is a December comencement ceremony. If there is, and things work out, that's what I'll do.
I have a few plans over the summer, all things that I really could not get done while I was in school. Mostly, time would not allow me to do theses things, or I found that I didn't want to after spending so much time with school. I hopefully won't have that problem as much now.
1. I want to get this blog up and running properly. This (hopefully) isn't going to be just a spweing of my deepest, darkest thoughts. I want to actually write something of some worth. This may include topics ranging from business management, to politics, and even religion. I'll put up some beer, wine, and liquor reviews. There will be occasional music topics, as I would not be who I am with the music in my life.
2. I want to start working on a novel. I have had an idea rattling through my head for the last couple of years now, but have not had the time to really work on it. This will be a bit difficult, but hopefully I will get somewhere with it.
3. I need to look for a proper career. Those who know me well, know I hate a beauracratic life. I have to figure out how to either conform to that (not my choice) or find a one in a culture I like (a lot harder). This is the most important task of the summer.
4. I want to get a concealed-carry permit. I don't own a firearm yet to use for this, but I still think it might be a good idea, considering the forecast of the political climate lately.
5. I want a dog. This is dependant on a couple of things, but I hope it'll work out.
I have a few other smaller goals, but those are just incidentals.
So, here we are now. It's summertime, and the sun is shining. Life is moving, and you can't get off. So hold on tight, as it'll be a fast ride.
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